Mugz Chill

Personal thoughts about parenting, growth, personal finance and investment.


Week ending 2020 Jun 14th: 340 ways to use character strengths, and 7 asset classes to beware of

My neighbourhood kitchen reopens; The Atlantic writes about being decent, 340 ways to use character strengths, 7 asset classes to beware of for retail investors, and Titan migrating away from Saturn.

Week ending 2020 Jun 7th: Lives matter, and a world 920 parsecs away

Hearty homemade breakfast, making the lives of those around you matter, the importance of asking questions, to hedge or not to hedge., and a world 920 parsecs away.

Week ending 2020 May 17th: A Girl’s theme song, and real-life three-body problem

Champagne lunch to celebrate Mother’s Day – a week later, Roar – a girl’s theme song, my favorite running podcasts, post-pandemic offices, and real life three-body problem.

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